XXVII National Spectroscopy Meeting (XXVII RNE)- XI Iberian Spectroscopy Meeting (XI CIE)

05/07/2022 a 08/07/2022 Málaga, Espanha SEA, SEQA, SPQ, SPB

University of Málaga (UMA) and Spectroscopy Committee of SEDOPTICA (Sociedad Española de Óptica) are pleased to invite you to participate in the XXVII National Spectroscopy Meeting (XXVII RNE)- XI Iberian Spectroscopy Meeting (XI CIE) that will be celebrate in Málaga from 5 to 8 of July 2022.

The International Conference will be organized in collaboration with Sociedad de Espectroscopía Aplicada (SEA), Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (SEQA), Sociedade Portuguesa da Química (SPQ) and Sociedade Portuguesa da Bioquímica (SPB).

The principal goal of the meeting is to contribute to spread the latest developments in the spectroscopy field in fundamental aspects and applications, motivating the participation of senior and young researchers and students. Following the tradition of previous editions presentations will establish a forum to stimulate exchange of knowledge and scientific collaborations.


•Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure •Biomolecular Spectroscopy •Cultural Heritage •Chemical Analysis and Speciation •Food Analysis •Instrumentation •Plasmonic •Sample Preparation •Sensors •Surfaces and Interfaces •Spectroscopy in Education


  • Ma Rosa López Ramírez (UMA)
  • Ma Vega Cañamares Arribas (IEM-CSIC) • Manuel Montejo Gámez (UJA)
  • Ma Paz Sevilla Sierra (UCM)
  • Juan Carlos Otero Fernández de Molina (UMA)
  • Ma Belén Maté Naya (IEM-CSIC)
  • Isabel López Tocón (UMA)
  • Francisco J. Ávila Ferrer (UMA)


  • Ma Rosa López Ramírez (Spectroscopy Committee, SEDOPTICA)
  • MaVegaCañamaresArribas (Spectroscopy Committee, SEDOPTICA) •
  •  Manuel Montejo Gámez (Spectroscopy Committee, SEDOPTICA)
  • Ma Cruz Moreno Bondi (SEA)
  • José M. Vadillo (SEA)
  • José Luis Pérez Pavón (SEQA)
  • Soledad Muniategui Lorenzo (SEQA) 
  • João Carlos Lima (SPQ)
  • Adelino Galvão (SPQ)
  • Pedro Domingues (SPB)

mais informações

Publicado/editado: 07/02/2022