40th International Conference on Environmental and Food Monitoring

19/06/2018 a 22/06/2018 Santiago de Compostela, Espanha

We are pleased to invite researchers to the 40th International Conference on Environmental & Food Monitoringorganised by the Institute for Food Analysis and Research (IIAA) of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR) and the International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IAEAC) that will take place in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) in June 2018. 

Since 1971 the IAEAC created a forum where analytical chemists might contribute to the recent "environmental revolution" with a worldwide impact. This event is the International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry (ISEAC). Later, in 2014 Food Analytics became integrated in ISEAC.  

The central subject of the ISEAC-40 conference is the innovative use of analytical methods for the investigation of environmental and food relevant questions. 

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Publicado/editado: 30/01/2018